Dos and Don’ts of Electric Cycles | EMotorad
An Electric bike or bicycle is also known as an e-bike which a bicycle with an integrated electric motor that can be used to assist propulsion. Many kinds of e-bikes are available in the market worldwide, but generally, we go for two broad categories. One is Bikes that assist the rider’s pedal-power i.e. pedelecs and the second one is the bikes that add a throttle, integrating moped-style functionally. Both retain the ability as the pedaled bicycle by the rider and but not that will be electric motorcycles Dos of Electric Cycle Do follow rules set by land transport authority The LTA (Land Transport Authority) made some rules and regulations on the usage of the Electric cycle. Make yourself familiar with the all laws before starting your first ride. Otherwise, you’ll get caught by the LTA’s officer and you don’t want to get caught on the very first day. Do recharge your Electric cycle’s battery before every ride. Before st...